Promote success and on-task learning from the start for your students with autism or other special needs. This behavior folder is so easy to use and can travel anywhere with your student(s) or with you!
You can make a folder for each student in your class to keep with them all year long. They will have a first/then board, a token board, reinforcer icons, behavior reminders, and all of their visuals in one place!
This can be used in ANY class and with ANY student. This can also be used at home or in the community. This can fit in a binder, backpack, or book. This is perfect for a self-contained or a life skills classroom.
You will get 19 different token boards to choose from ranging from 1 token to 10 tokens. You will also get a first/then board, 66 token board icon options, 42 reinforcers, 37 behavior reminders, 42 schedule icons, and instructions on how to set up!
This folder will help keep your students on task through simple visual reminders of expectations, by using a scheduling system (first/then) and by using an appropriate token board paired with the right reinforcer.
If you need additional icons, reinforcers, tokens etc.. please simply reach out to me about adding additional sets.
Here is a breakdown of every icon included:
Token Board Choices:
5.Dump truck
7.Police car
16. Train
17. Car
18. Black dots
19. School bus
20. Basketball
21. Football
22. Soccer
23. Baseball
24. Superhero 1
25. Superhero 2
26. Superhero 3
27. Superhero 4
28. Vacuum
29. Broom
30. laundry
31. Frog
32. Flower
33. Bee
34. Ladybug
35. Camping
36. Firefly
37. Swim
38. Sun
39. Sunglasses
40. Hot cocoa
41. Sledding
42. Snowman
43. Rocket
44. Astronaut
45. Alien
46. Earth
47. T-rex
48. Sabretooth tiger
49. Stegosaurus
50. Triceratops
51. Pterodactyl
52. Backpack
53. Pencil
54. Globe
55. Coins
56. Stars
57. Colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, teal, gold, purple, light blue
58. Check marks
You will also get the following reinforcers:
- color
- toys
- slide
- swing
- youtube
- pretzels
- music
- iPad
- jump
- beanbag
- swing
- toys
- scooter
- puzzle
- drink
- cookies
- book
- snack
- train
- candy
- shoes off
- goldfish
- TV
- chips
- body sock
- walk
- tent
- playdough
- bubbles
- sand table
- ball pit
- ball chair
- rolling chair
- stickers
- toy
- massager
- blocks
- game
- brush
- blanket
- crash pad
- spin
You will get the following behavior reminders:
- listen
- calm feet
- sit quietly
- hands to self
- eyes looking
- mouth is quiet
- quiet
- listen
- wait
- work
- be organized
- raise hand
- ask for help
- clean up
- take turns
- work together
- think about it
- think
- check work
- line up
- get on quietly (bus)
- get off quietly (bus)
- stay in seat
- talk quietly
- sit quietly
- walk quietly
- walking feet
- stay in line
- line up
- line up quietly
- inside voice
- take turns
- slide correctly
- clean up
- be kind
- wait for turn
- swing correctly
The 42 schedule icons are not labeled so you can use them however you see fit to meet the needs of your unique classroom.